September 10, 2021

New office, 5K products, and 1000 followers!

September has been BUSY!

And we’ve only seen the first 10 days of it😮

So, here’s what’s happened so far:

Noveltyville Gets A Real (Nice) Office!

This is where the magic happens right now.

Noveltyville Office
Noveltyville Office. It’s spartan, but it’s ‘home’.
Kitchen View
Kitchen view towards the harbour.

The office is clean and spacious. Nice furniture included.
And you can’t fault the view from the office kitchen!
We’re super close to the harbour, and it’s a great place to take a stroll during lunch break.

5,000 Products Created On Zazzle

Yup 😁
You’ve got plenty of GOOD STUFF to choose from in our Zazzle store right now. And the goal is to reach 10K products by December 1st.

1000 Followers on Twitter

Gotta love Twitter ❤️
It’s a lot easier to make friends here than on Facebook.

And yes – we follow back!
(In case you were wondering🙃)